18.9 C
Monday, March 31, 2025
18.9 C
Monday, March 31, 2025

Do you live by faith or by sight?

The story is told of a community of farmers who were worried because of the long drought that was not relenting. Crops had dried up and the animals were dying. It looked like this was it and hopelessness and despair were kicking in. The local minister called for a day of prayer and fasting and on the said day all the people gathered in the little church on top of the hill.
As the minister walked into the small church that was full to capacity, he could see the despair on the people’s faces as they chatted expressing their fears and anxieties. The minister walked to the front of the church and calling the people to attention he noticed something that did not fit in the picture before him. There on the front pew with such a call and a big smile on her face sat an 11-year-old girl and by her side, a red umbrella.

Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV)
6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. Also, anything that is done out of faith is sin. Are you a man of faith? We live in a world today where on Sundays our churches are filled with people singing songs, clapping their hands and going through the motions. As Jesus wondered, when He comes will he find faith?
Faith is one of the essential building blocks of our Christian faith. You must have it and exercise it to be a Christian. The Bible tells us that the just shall live by faith and as we know faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.
So how do you energize your faith? Reading God’s word for faith comes by hearing and hearing God’s word. Faith is reading the Bible and believing everything that God says. It is going out and living a life on a whole new level, a new standard that God requires of us. Faith is jumping out on the water when Jesus says so, it believes without a single shadow of doubt that God can do what he says he will do.
Faith is not depending on your strength and abilities; it is totally dependent on God.
God is calling us to live a life of faith, not blind faith that jumps out into the unknown but faith that knows and believes and so it acts for faith without works is dead…….. did you bring your umbrella?

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