26.9 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
26.9 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Before You Quit, Consider This

All of us have struggled with the option of quitting for an easier ride in life. If you feel tempted to quit, consider Isaiah 41:10.

Fear not, for I am with you.
Being afraid of failure is a huge factor in our desire to quit. If we quit, then we don’t have to fail. If we continue, we may fail. However, since God is with us, win or lose we will be in peace in His presence.

Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
Before we quit, we let go of satanic discouragement that is used on those who are called by God’s purpose. When we remember that we serve the only true and living God, our confidence and faith soar to greater heights.

I will strengthen you.
Before we quit, we can renew our strength in the joy of the Lord (Nehemiah 8:10). Our joy is ignited in God based on His goodness and grace towards us.

I will help you.
Before we quit, we remember that God hasn’t abandoned us. He will help us at just the right time if we hold on in faith to His word.

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Before we quit, we recognize that we aren’t standing in our own abilities and strengths. Rather, we are standing based on the hand of God over our lives.

Quitting God’s plan and purpose for our lives isn’t a viable option for those who are called by Him. Instead of caving into an attitude of quitting, we can resolve our minds to stick with God’s will regardless of the circumstances. By Crystal McDowell

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